
Sponsoring the X-Pyr

The X-Pyr is a flying and hiking competition, inspired by the Red Bull X-Alps, in which a selected number of teams, comprised of one pilot and one assistant race across the Pyrenees, from west to east, starting at the Bay of Biscay and finishing at the Mediterranean. The first one to achieve this objective, just by flying a paraglider and on foot, will be the winner.

The official course route crosses a number of compulsory turnpoints with different radii. This year the course features 8 turnpoints on both the Spanish and French side of the Pyrenees. Athletes can only walk or fly the course, carrying a minimum amount of equipment with them. The equipment they must carry is their glider, harness including a back protector, emergency parachute, helmet, mobile telephone and live tracking devices. 

Athletes  must take an obligatory rest break between 8pm and 6am. Breaking the rules incurs time penalties. The competitors carry live tracking devices and you can follow their progress online at

Can five-time X-Alps winner Chrigel Maurer win the X-Pyr for a third time? The competitor field is the strongest to date. It’s going to be an exciting race…

The official start is 10:00 24th june 2018. The Paraglider’s Judith Mole is the official roving reporter and will be following all the action close up. She will be chasing the athletes with fellow pilot Andy Read. You can follow their reports, videos and interviews on and the X-Pyr facebook page as well as on The Paraglider Facebook page. Please ‘like’ the page to get automatic updates.

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