The X-Alps organisers have revealed the pilots list for next year’s race, after what must have been a tricky selection process 31 athletes from 18 countries have been chosen to compete in this epic 1,000km race across the Alps!
Category: News
Red Bull X-Alps 2013. Imagine: a July day at 11am and you are standing on the take-off above Interlaken. The sun is shining and the clouds are touching the mountain tops. You would like to fly to the Matterhorn or even better, over Mt. Blanc to Grenoble. With your paraglider, either flying or hiking. Hiking means stress, it’s strenuous – and seven times slower.
Herminio Cordido says he’s been flying in clouds since he started paragliding in 1993. This came in handy when after a year of similar but smaller jumps Herminio lept from his harness at a staggering 6000m ASL.
He told us he wasn’t worried about the climbing too high in the cloud as he knew he could jump at any time. As you’ll see from the video finding his kit wasn’t a problem thanks to a cutaway system which leaves his wing connected to the harness by just one break line.
His sponsors for this project were: Sol Paragliders, Squirrel Suits, Naviter, Atair Canopies, Flysight, Flyte Park and Boost Oxygen.

Judith Mole broke her back in a paragliding accident in March 2013. The accident was entirely her fault and was caused by over-confidence, complacency and a desire to impress the new boyfriend. Understandably she has since been mulling over how to be a safer pilot. Here she shares some insights and tips. What you will read in this article isn’t anything new or revolutionary, but might be a timely reminder of something that has recently slipped. Hopefully reading it will keep you just that little bit safer.
Judith Mole Joins the Team
We’re extremely excited to announce that Judith Mole has joined the team here at The Paraglider.

Judith has been flying hang gliders and paragliders for almost 18 years and is a well known character in the UK and European paragliding scene. Her podcasts make fascinating listening and will be moving across to in due course.
Judith will be writing, recording and filming for the us so keep an eye on the site for a lot more content.
If you’d like to know a little more about Judith take a look at our interview from this June.